News: April 20th, 2015

Czech Ambassador Tomas Dub together with delegation of Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan visited Ueda City on April 20, 2015.
During the meetings with representatives of Ueda Chamber of Commerce, Mayor Mr. Souichi Motai and vice rector of the Shinshu University – Facultuty of Textile Science and Technology, possibilities of closer collaboration and business exchange were discussed.
Ueda Ensemble Orchestra Concert
Embassy of the Czech Republic and CCCIJ gave their support to 10th Regular Concert of Ueda Ensemble Orchestra, a citizen orchestra in Ueda City. It was all Dvorak (a famous Czech composer) program.

Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture
Ambassador Dub greeted to Ueda Chamber members that the meeting today is based on continuation from our last meeting with Ueda Chamber, which Previous Ambassador Fialkova initiated in 2013, and goal is to establish strong relationship between Ueda City and Czech Republic.

A group picture of Ambassador Mr. Dub, Manager of Commerce Section at the Embassy Mr. Sauer, Chairman Mr. Watanabe, Vice-Chairman Mr. Nomoto, CCCIJ Member Ms.Nakazono with Members of the Board in Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ueda.
There is already collaboration between Ueda and Liberec, Czech Republic in nanofiber research area. More than 240 Japanese companies have business activities in Czech Republic. On the other hand, not so many Czech companies have entered into Japanese market yet. We would like to increase this number and invite more Czech companies to come to Japan, including Ueda City as particular case.

Ambassador Dub and CCCIJ Chairman Mr. Watanabe (ZONER L.L.C. CEO) gave free license of a software product Zoner Photo Studio to Ueda Chamber so Chamber in Ueda City can have more chances to experience superb Czech products. Ambassador giwing a gift to Chairman of Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ueda, Mr. Yanagisawa.
Ueda City Hall, meeting with Mayor
Discussions about sister town project between Ueda and Liberec has been initiated including Mayor’s level.Czech Republic is located in the center of Europe, and Czech Republic is more flexible than larger European countries such as Germany.It is challenge to invite more Czech companies to Japan, and we hope a relationship between Ueda and Czech will become a model case in order to expand trading between Japan and Europe.

Mr. Motai, Mayor of Ueda City, welcomed Ambassador Dub and representative from CCCIJ. Czech Republic reminds rich history, world heritage including historical scenic and building which attracts heart of visitors. Recently he heard more and more activity of technology and industry also in Czech Republic.
Ms. Fialkova, previous Ambassador initiated a project of sister town between Ueda City and Liberec, a city in Czech Republic, and Mr. Dub has intention to take over this project. A new Mayor of Liberec city was appointed recently. There are already collaborations between these two cities in nano technology field, based on relationship between Shinshu University and Technical University of Liberec as well as Elmarco, and it is his strong wish to expand such relationship in all of government, industry and academic fields. It is his intention to invite Czech companies to come to Ueda, and also to invite companies in Ueda to enter European business through Czech Republic. Business matching of business entities between two cities will be key and the government commits its best support. It is his wish to deepen relationship in tourism and culture fields too.

Ambassador Dub and CCCIJ Chairman Mr. Watanabe (ZONER L.L.C. CEO) with Mayor of Ueda City Mr. Souichi Motai during donation of free licenses of a Zoner Photo Studio to Ueda City Government.
Shinshu University – Facultuty of Textile Science and Technology
Professor Hirabayashi gave presentation of Shinshu University, particularly Faculty of Textile Science and Technology. Faculty of Textile Science and Technology was established in 1910, and there are currently 1,719 students and 109 teachers. He mentioned there are currently 3 students coming from TUL to Shinshu University, and there are 3 students visiting TUL from Shinshu University in 2015 student exchange program. Ueda city is called as Silk town based on its historical industry.

Ambassador Dub gave greeting to Shinshu University professors. He expressed his awareness of collaboration between Shinshu University and Technical University of Liberec (TUL) in nanofiber research field, and showed his strong intention to expand relationship between two cities. He reminded that many Czech university students have strong interest in stationing some period in a Japanese university, and hope that such collaboration will expand further.

CCCIJ Chairman Mr. Watanabe and ZONER software's donation of free licences of Zoner Photo Studio for Shinshu University. Gift from Ambasador Dub to Professor, Mr. Kimio Hirabayashi, Ph. D, Vice Dean.
Research Associate Professor, Mr. Iwaki gave a tour of Fii (Fiber Innovation Incubator) facility in Ueda campus to Czech delegation team, and showed many unique research and test equipment including Elmarco NanoSpider lab tools.

Many newspapers in Ueda City published news regarding our official visit.
Newspapers list (click and see PDF document):
2015-04-21 信州民報
2015-04-21 信濃毎日
2015-04-21 朝日新聞
2015-04-21 朝日新聞・オンライン版
2015-04-22 東信ジャーナル
(Click on the picture and enlarge)

News: April 20th, 2015
Czech Ambassador Tomas Dub together with delegation of Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan visited Ueda City on April 20, 2015.
During the meetings with representatives of Ueda Chamber of Commerce, Mayor Mr. Souichi Motai and vice rector of the Shinshu University – Facultuty of Textile Science and Technology, possibilities of closer collaboration and business exchange were discussed.
Ueda Ensemble Orchestra Concert

Embassy of the Czech Republic and CCCIJ gave their support to 10th Regular Concert of Ueda Ensemble Orchestra, a citizen orchestra in Ueda City. It was all Dvorak (a famous Czech composer) program.
Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture
Ambassador Dub greeted to Ueda Chamber members that the meeting today is based on continuation from our last meeting with Ueda Chamber, which Previous Ambassador Fialkova initiated in 2013, and goal is to establish strong relationship between Ueda City and Czech Republic.
A group picture of Ambassador Mr. Dub, Manager of Commerce Section at the Embassy Mr. Sauer, Chairman Mr. Watanabe, Vice-Chairman Mr. Nomoto, CCCIJ Member Ms.Nakazono with Members of the Board in Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ueda.
There is already collaboration between Ueda and Liberec, Czech Republic in nanofiber research area. More than 240 Japanese companies have business activities in Czech Republic. On the other hand, not so many Czech companies have entered into Japanese market yet. We would like to increase this number and invite more Czech companies to come to Japan, including Ueda City as particular case.

Ambassador Dub and CCCIJ Chairman Mr. Watanabe (ZONER L.L.C. CEO) gave free license of a software product Zoner Photo Studio to Ueda Chamber so Chamber in Ueda City can have more chances to experience superb Czech products. Ambassador giwing a gift to Chairman of Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ueda, Mr. Yanagisawa.
Ueda City Hall, meeting with Mayor
Discussions about sister town project between Ueda and Liberec has been initiated including Mayor’s level.Czech Republic is located in the center of Europe, and Czech Republic is more flexible than larger European countries such as Germany.It is challenge to invite more Czech companies to Japan, and we hope a relationship between Ueda and Czech will become a model case in order to expand trading between Japan and Europe.
Mr. Motai, Mayor of Ueda City, welcomed Ambassador Dub and representative from CCCIJ. Czech Republic reminds rich history, world heritage including historical scenic and building which attracts heart of visitors. Recently he heard more and more activity of technology and industry also in Czech Republic.

Ms. Fialkova, previous Ambassador initiated a project of sister town between Ueda City and Liberec, a city in Czech Republic, and Mr. Dub has intention to take over this project. A new Mayor of Liberec city was appointed recently. There are already collaborations between these two cities in nano technology field, based on relationship between Shinshu University and Technical University of Liberec as well as Elmarco, and it is his strong wish to expand such relationship in all of government, industry and academic fields. It is his intention to invite Czech companies to come to Ueda, and also to invite companies in Ueda to enter European business through Czech Republic. Business matching of business entities between two cities will be key and the government commits its best support. It is his wish to deepen relationship in tourism and culture fields too.
Ambassador Dub and CCCIJ Chairman Mr. Watanabe (ZONER L.L.C. CEO) with Mayor of Ueda City Mr. Souichi Motai during donation of free licenses of a Zoner Photo Studio to Ueda City Government.
Shinshu University – Facultuty of Textile Science and Technology
Professor Hirabayashi gave presentation of Shinshu University, particularly Faculty of Textile Science and Technology. Faculty of Textile Science and Technology was established in 1910, and there are currently 1,719 students and 109 teachers. He mentioned there are currently 3 students coming from TUL to Shinshu University, and there are 3 students visiting TUL from Shinshu University in 2015 student exchange program. Ueda city is called as Silk town based on its historical industry.
Ambassador Dub gave greeting to Shinshu University professors. He expressed his awareness of collaboration between Shinshu University and Technical University of Liberec (TUL) in nanofiber research field, and showed his strong intention to expand relationship between two cities. He reminded that many Czech university students have strong interest in stationing some period in a Japanese university, and hope that such collaboration will expand further.
CCCIJ Chairman Mr. Watanabe and ZONER software's donation of free licences of Zoner Photo Studio for Shinshu University. Gift from Ambasador Dub to Professor, Mr. Kimio Hirabayashi, Ph. D, Vice Dean.
Research Associate Professor, Mr. Iwaki gave a tour of Fii (Fiber Innovation Incubator) facility in Ueda campus to Czech delegation team, and showed many unique research and test equipment including Elmarco NanoSpider lab tools.
Many newspapers in Ueda City published news regarding our official visit.
Newspapers list (click and see PDF document):
2015-04-21 信州民報
2015-04-21 信濃毎日
2015-04-21 朝日新聞
2015-04-21 朝日新聞・オンライン版
2015-04-22 東信ジャーナル
(Click on the picture and enlarge)