EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation seminar:
Region-to-Region Cooperation between EU and Japan

Date: November 20th, 2018 (Tuesday)
Time: 14:30 - 18:30 (Networking reception included)
Place: Delegation of the European Union to Japan, 4-6-28 Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Fee: Free (online pre-registration required)
Language: English-Japanese Simultaneous interpretation
International region-to-region cooperation is an effective means for bringing dynamism to regional economy by internationalizing activities of local entities, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Forms of regional cooperation are well diversified, covering wide range of activities such as export-import of commodities, trade in services, investment, business partnerships (B2Bs), collaboration in research, technology development and innovation, and promotion of people mobility. Such cases of region-to-region cooperation in industry, trade, investment and innovation already exist between Europe and Japan, including collaboration between clusters.
The objective of the seminar is to highlight examples of region-to-region cooperation to identify best practice and share experience with European and Japanese regions interested to engage in partnerships and cooperation related to industry, trade, investment and innovation. The seminar intends to identify to main needs and expectation, the main challenges and opportunities as well as the available instruments and programmes to establish win-win partnerships.
The seminar will also touch upon Europe-Japan region-to-region cooperation targeting operations in third countries, such as in South East Asia, Latin America or Africa. This kind of alliance between European and Japanese regions may be built on the experience and strengths of one region to be used for interacting with other regions in the world.
The seminar aims at preparing the ground for the possible setting up of a regional cooperation platform to help interested European and Japanese regions finding suitable partners, using relevant instruments and financial resources, and fully exploiting the opportunities of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).
Event flyer: PDF download
>> Registration page <<
Contacts: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
(Mr. Fukura, Ms. Benoist, Ms. Saito;Tel +81 3 6408 0281)
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation seminar:
Region-to-Region Cooperation between EU and Japan
Date: November 20th, 2018 (Tuesday)
Time: 14:30 - 18:30 (Networking reception included)
Place: Delegation of the European Union to Japan, 4-6-28 Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Fee: Free (online pre-registration required)
Language: English-Japanese Simultaneous interpretation
International region-to-region cooperation is an effective means for bringing dynamism to regional economy by internationalizing activities of local entities, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Forms of regional cooperation are well diversified, covering wide range of activities such as export-import of commodities, trade in services, investment, business partnerships (B2Bs), collaboration in research, technology development and innovation, and promotion of people mobility. Such cases of region-to-region cooperation in industry, trade, investment and innovation already exist between Europe and Japan, including collaboration between clusters.
The objective of the seminar is to highlight examples of region-to-region cooperation to identify best practice and share experience with European and Japanese regions interested to engage in partnerships and cooperation related to industry, trade, investment and innovation. The seminar intends to identify to main needs and expectation, the main challenges and opportunities as well as the available instruments and programmes to establish win-win partnerships.
The seminar will also touch upon Europe-Japan region-to-region cooperation targeting operations in third countries, such as in South East Asia, Latin America or Africa. This kind of alliance between European and Japanese regions may be built on the experience and strengths of one region to be used for interacting with other regions in the world.
The seminar aims at preparing the ground for the possible setting up of a regional cooperation platform to help interested European and Japanese regions finding suitable partners, using relevant instruments and financial resources, and fully exploiting the opportunities of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).
Event flyer: PDF download
>> Registration page <<
Contacts: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
(Mr. Fukura, Ms. Benoist, Ms. Saito;Tel +81 3 6408 0281)