(April 25, 2019) Japan – CEE Investment Summit and Awards, Tokyo
Together with organizer CEE Business Media, CEE Investment Agencies partners (PAIH, HIPA, CzechInvest, Invest in Romania, SARIO Slovakia, etc.), CCCIJ as Media partner is promoting "Japan – CEE Investment Summit and Awards 2019" which will be held on April 25th, 2019 at the Palace Hotel in Tokyo.

URL: www.japaneuropeinvestmentawards.com
"Japan – CEE Investment Summit and Awards" is an original event by CEE Business Media, with support of the following Speakers, Jury Members, Sponsors, Media Partners, Associations, and Strategic Partners.

The inaugural “Japan – Central Eastern Europe Investment Awards and Summit” will be held 25 April, 2019, in Tokyo.
Organizer expect nearly 150 guests, including more than 50 Japanese companies with existing operations in Emerging Europe, or plans to expand in the region. The Awards Gala will be preceded by a full-day Summit of discussion panels covering key investment factors and case-studies of Japanese firms in Central Eastern Europe.
Why such an Investment Summit & Awards event in Japan?
The countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) are increasingly recognized as a primary location for investment by Japanese companies, in areas such as automotive, manufacturing, high-tech, business services, and energy. Locations in CEE Europe as Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania are important investment destinations for Japanese firms.
Additionally, in 2018, Japan signed a Economic Partnership Agreement with the European Union, with the Japan-EU EPA to go into effect this year in 2019.
Nominations open until 15 March
Submit your Nomination in one of 10 Categories here:
10 Awards Categories:
・Top Automotive Investors in CEE
・Top Automotive Supplier Investors in CEE
・Top Manufacturing Investors in CEE
・Top Business Services Investors in CEE
・Top Energy or Infrastructure Investors in CEE
・Top Banking/Insurance Investors in CEE
・Top Consumer/FMCG Investors in CEE
・Top M&A Deals in CEE
・Top CSR Initiatives in CEE
・Top CEE Investors in Japan
Investment Summit Schedule:
8:00-9:00 Registration and Networking Breakfast
9:00 – 16:00
・Political and Economic Briefings of the Central Eastern Europe region
・Opportunities from the Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (2019).
・Entry Options: M&A. Case studies of acquisitions of CEE-based firms by Japanese investors.
・Economic Incentives in CEE countries. New regulations on Special Economic Zones.
・Electric Vehicles (EV) development in CEE. How the Japanese automotive industry is leveraging locations in CEE for strategic advantage.
・Cross-border opportunities between Japan and Central Eastern Europe in the areas of Technology, IT, Gaming, SoftDev and Digital.
16:00 – 16:30 Investment Summit Closing and afternoon Teas
Full Agenda here:
Awards Gala Schedule:
18:30 Japan - CEE Investment Awards Gala Reception
19:30- 22:30 Japan - CEE Investment Awards Gala Dinner
Who will attend "Japan – CEE Europe Investment Awards and Summit":
・More than 50 Japanese executives who have decision-making authority over investment decisions in CEE. In addition to those Japanese companies with existing operations in Western Europe or CEE, we expect a number of Japanese companies to attend who do not yet have operations in Europe.
・International top execs from CEE businesses who are keen to expand their relationships with Japanese firms.
・Ambasssadors from 5-6 CEE Countries will be our VIP Guests.
・Investment Promotion Agencies from Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, and the Baltics.
・Investment advisory firms and service providers.

(April 25, 2019) Japan – CEE Investment Summit and Awards, Tokyo
Together with organizer CEE Business Media, CEE Investment Agencies partners (PAIH, HIPA, CzechInvest, Invest in Romania, SARIO Slovakia, etc.), CCCIJ as Media partner is promoting "Japan – CEE Investment Summit and Awards 2019" which will be held on April 25th, 2019 at the Palace Hotel in Tokyo.
URL: www.japaneuropeinvestmentawards.com
"Japan – CEE Investment Summit and Awards" is an original event by CEE Business Media, with support of the following Speakers, Jury Members, Sponsors, Media Partners, Associations, and Strategic Partners.
The inaugural “Japan – Central Eastern Europe Investment Awards and Summit” will be held 25 April, 2019, in Tokyo.
Organizer expect nearly 150 guests, including more than 50 Japanese companies with existing operations in Emerging Europe, or plans to expand in the region. The Awards Gala will be preceded by a full-day Summit of discussion panels covering key investment factors and case-studies of Japanese firms in Central Eastern Europe.
Why such an Investment Summit & Awards event in Japan?
The countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) are increasingly recognized as a primary location for investment by Japanese companies, in areas such as automotive, manufacturing, high-tech, business services, and energy. Locations in CEE Europe as Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania are important investment destinations for Japanese firms.
Additionally, in 2018, Japan signed a Economic Partnership Agreement with the European Union, with the Japan-EU EPA to go into effect this year in 2019.
Nominations open until 15 March
Submit your Nomination in one of 10 Categories here:
10 Awards Categories:
・Top Automotive Investors in CEE
・Top Automotive Supplier Investors in CEE
・Top Manufacturing Investors in CEE
・Top Business Services Investors in CEE
・Top Energy or Infrastructure Investors in CEE
・Top Banking/Insurance Investors in CEE
・Top Consumer/FMCG Investors in CEE
・Top M&A Deals in CEE
・Top CSR Initiatives in CEE
・Top CEE Investors in Japan
Investment Summit Schedule:

8:00-9:00 Registration and Networking Breakfast
9:00 – 16:00
・Political and Economic Briefings of the Central Eastern Europe region
・Opportunities from the Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (2019).
・Entry Options: M&A. Case studies of acquisitions of CEE-based firms by Japanese investors.
・Economic Incentives in CEE countries. New regulations on Special Economic Zones.
・Electric Vehicles (EV) development in CEE. How the Japanese automotive industry is leveraging locations in CEE for strategic advantage.
・Cross-border opportunities between Japan and Central Eastern Europe in the areas of Technology, IT, Gaming, SoftDev and Digital.
16:00 – 16:30 Investment Summit Closing and afternoon Teas
Full Agenda here:
Awards Gala Schedule:
18:30 Japan - CEE Investment Awards Gala Reception
19:30- 22:30 Japan - CEE Investment Awards Gala Dinner
Who will attend "Japan – CEE Europe Investment Awards and Summit":
・More than 50 Japanese executives who have decision-making authority over investment decisions in CEE. In addition to those Japanese companies with existing operations in Western Europe or CEE, we expect a number of Japanese companies to attend who do not yet have operations in Europe.
・International top execs from CEE businesses who are keen to expand their relationships with Japanese firms.
・Ambasssadors from 5-6 CEE Countries will be our VIP Guests.
・Investment Promotion Agencies from Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, and the Baltics.
・Investment advisory firms and service providers.