11th Czech Business & Culture Networking Event

Date: June 19th (Wednesday) 2019, 18:00 ~ 20:30
Place: Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tokyo, Big Reception Hall
Thank you for joining the 11th Czech Business & Culture Networking Event, the event was very successful. The opening speech by the Ambassador welcomed the guests. The presentation by Mr. Michael Mroczek - the Chairman of EBC on the newly started EPA was very informative. Guests were excited with the gorgeous piano performance by Mr. Yonezu and Mr. Kotaki and the singing in Tenor by Mr. Dei. Last but not least, everyone there enjoyed the excellent Czech dishes, beer, wines and spirits.
We look forward to seeing you again soon at the next event.
11回目を迎えるチェコビジネス&文化交流イベントにご参加いただき誠に有難うございます。チェコ大使からのご挨拶に始まり、欧州ビジネス協会 会頭ミハエル ムロチェク氏による今年2月に発効されたEPAについてのプレゼンテーション、そして米津氏、小瀧氏による圧巻のピアノ演奏&出井氏のテノールに会場のみなさんは聴き入っていました。美味しいチェコ料理やビール、ワイン、スピリッツなどを片手に皆さん夜遅くまで歓談されていました。


11th Czech Business & Culture Networking Event
Date: June 19th (Wednesday) 2019, 18:00 ~ 20:30
Place: Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tokyo, Big Reception Hall
Thank you for joining the 11th Czech Business & Culture Networking Event, the event was very successful. The opening speech by the Ambassador welcomed the guests. The presentation by Mr. Michael Mroczek - the Chairman of EBC on the newly started EPA was very informative. Guests were excited with the gorgeous piano performance by Mr. Yonezu and Mr. Kotaki and the singing in Tenor by Mr. Dei. Last but not least, everyone there enjoyed the excellent Czech dishes, beer, wines and spirits.
We look forward to seeing you again soon at the next event.
11回目を迎えるチェコビジネス&文化交流イベントにご参加いただき誠に有難うございます。チェコ大使からのご挨拶に始まり、欧州ビジネス協会 会頭ミハエル ムロチェク氏による今年2月に発効されたEPAについてのプレゼンテーション、そして米津氏、小瀧氏による圧巻のピアノ演奏&出井氏のテノールに会場のみなさんは聴き入っていました。美味しいチェコ料理やビール、ワイン、スピリッツなどを片手に皆さん夜遅くまで歓談されていました。