
Welcome to Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (CCCIJ)

News: July 2, 2019 

(October 24-30, 2019)
"Digital Innovation" Business Mission to Japan

JETRO invites you to participate in "Digital Innovation" business mission to Japan. The mission is dedicated to innovative, technology companies from Central and Eastern Europe dealing with Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Data Processing and other associated fields.

Term: October 24 - 30, 2019
During this term, two major events will take place in Japan:
- Japan IT Week Autumn https://www.japan-it-autumn.jp/en-gb.html
- Innovation Leaders Summit https://ils.tokyo/index-en.php

Mission agenda
*the program is preliminary and will be updated during August-September 2019


If you would like to attend, please submit a filled registration form together with photo of delegates and company logo on Mikulas_Kotrba@jetro.go.jp (CC: CPR@jetro.go.jp) by July 31, 2019.

Registration form

E-mail:Mikulas_Kotrba@jetro.go.jp (CC: CPR@jetro.go.jp