News: January 10, 2020
Report: 12th Czech Business & Culture Networking Christmas Event

12th Czech Business & Culture Networking Christmas Event
Date: December 13th (Friday) 2019, 18:00 ~ 20:30
Place: Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tokyo, Big Reception Hall
Thank you for joining the CCCIJ 12th Czech Business & Culture Networking Christmas Event, the event was very successful.
The opening speech by Mr. Martin Tomčo, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Japan warmly welcomed the guests. The presentation by Mr. Andre Zimmermann, Representative Director of the Lindt & Sprüngli Japan KK and President of Swiss Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (SCCIJ) was informative and enlightening. (Mr. Zimmermann, thank you so much for giving us Lindt's fine quality chocolate as a Christmas gift!)
In addition, guests enjoyed the concert of the classical music performed by “Hector Quartet with Mana Dei” with PETROF piano which was made in the Czech Republic.
Last but not least, everyone there enjoyed the excellent Czech dishes, beer, wines and spirits.
We look forward to seeing you again soon at the next event.

第12回チェコ ビジネス & 文化交流クリスマス・イベント
12回目を迎えるチェコビジネス&文化交流イベントにご参加いただき誠に有難うございます。マルチン・トムチョ駐日チェコ大使からのご挨拶に始まり、リンツ&シュプルングリージャパン株式会社 代表取締役、在日スイス商工会議所(SCCIJ)の会頭でもあるアンドレ・ツィメルマン氏によるプレゼンテーション、そして“Hector Quartet with Mana Dei” による弦楽四重奏演奏をお楽しみいただきました。チェコ産のピアノ、ペトロフの響きとバイオリン、ビオラ、チェロの音色がクリスマス気分を盛り上げてくれました。夜遅くまで美味しいチェコ料理やビール、ワイン、スピリッツなどを片手に皆さん歓談されていました。
News: January 10, 2020
Report: 12th Czech Business & Culture Networking Christmas Event
12th Czech Business & Culture Networking Christmas Event
Date: December 13th (Friday) 2019, 18:00 ~ 20:30
Place: Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tokyo, Big Reception Hall
Thank you for joining the CCCIJ 12th Czech Business & Culture Networking Christmas Event, the event was very successful.
The opening speech by Mr. Martin Tomčo, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Japan warmly welcomed the guests. The presentation by Mr. Andre Zimmermann, Representative Director of the Lindt & Sprüngli Japan KK and President of Swiss Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (SCCIJ) was informative and enlightening. (Mr. Zimmermann, thank you so much for giving us Lindt's fine quality chocolate as a Christmas gift!)
In addition, guests enjoyed the concert of the classical music performed by “Hector Quartet with Mana Dei” with PETROF piano which was made in the Czech Republic.
Last but not least, everyone there enjoyed the excellent Czech dishes, beer, wines and spirits.
We look forward to seeing you again soon at the next event.
第12回チェコ ビジネス & 文化交流クリスマス・イベント
12回目を迎えるチェコビジネス&文化交流イベントにご参加いただき誠に有難うございます。マルチン・トムチョ駐日チェコ大使からのご挨拶に始まり、リンツ&シュプルングリージャパン株式会社 代表取締役、在日スイス商工会議所(SCCIJ)の会頭でもあるアンドレ・ツィメルマン氏によるプレゼンテーション、そして“Hector Quartet with Mana Dei” による弦楽四重奏演奏をお楽しみいただきました。チェコ産のピアノ、ペトロフの響きとバイオリン、ビオラ、チェロの音色がクリスマス気分を盛り上げてくれました。夜遅くまで美味しいチェコ料理やビール、ワイン、スピリッツなどを片手に皆さん歓談されていました。