News: November 12, 2021
(Dec. 8, 2021)
在日チェコ商工会議所オンラインイベント「CONNECT 2021 WINTER」開催 / CCCIJ online event "CONNECT 2021 WINTER"

English follows Japanese
在日チェコ商工会議所(CCCIJ)は、2021年12月8日(水)にオンラインイベント「CONNECT 2021 WINTER」を開催いたします。
在日チェコ商工会議所オンラインイベント "CONNECT 2021 WINTER"
日付: 2021年12月8日(水)
時間: 18:00-19:30
会場: オンライン (お申込みいただいた方にURLをメールでお送りします)
参加費: 無料 (会員・非会員問わず、どなたでもご参加いただけます)
プログラム *変更される場合もあります
1) 開会のご挨拶
2) 在日チェコ商工会議所会頭よりご挨拶
3) 駐日チェコ共和国大使館からのメッセージ
4) クリスマス特別プログラム チェコ人形劇 「空からきたひつじ」、「犬と機関車」(リベレツ市ナイヴニ人形劇場団)
5) 会員様からの最近のニュース、活動状況についての発表
6) 最近のチェコの状況について

締切: 2021年11月30日(火)
クリスマス特別プログラム チェコ人形劇
ある小さな女の子が空から落ちてきたひつじをふわふわの雲のお友達のところに戻そうと、さまざまな遊園地のアトラクションを利用します。 ところが、サーカスの大砲も人形のピラミッドも風船も役に立ちませんでした。さてさて、ひつじは空に帰ることができるのでしょうか。
「CONNECT 2020」
「CONNECT 2021 Summer」
CCCIJ is pleased to announce that we will hold an online event "CONNECT 2021 WINTER" on 8th December 2021.
Through this event, we would like to spend a meaningful time sharing the efforts of Czech companies in Japan, the activities of our members, and the latest information on the Czech Republic.
In addition, as a Christmas special program, we will share the opportunity to watch the world-famous Czech puppet show online. The puppet show will be performed by Naivní divadlo Liberec based in Liberec, the northern part of the Czech Republic, and the playlist will be: "About the Lamb that Fell from the Sky" and "Choo. Choo. Whistle. Woof! - About Dogs and Trains". We will also welcome the representative of the Naivní divadlo Liberec and ask them to give a greeting in real-time.
We hope you will enjoy the program.
CCCIJ online event "CONNECT 2021 WINTER"
Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Time: 18:00-19:30 (Japan time) / 10:00-11:30(Czech time)
Venue: Online (URL will be sent to those who signed up)
Fee : Free (both our members and non-members are welcome)
Language: Japanese (partly English)
Program *subject to change
1) Opening
2) Greeting by CCCIJ Chairman
3) Greeting by Czech Embassy in Tokyo
4) Christmas Special Program: Czech puppet show "About the Lamb that Fell from the Sky", "Choo. Choo. Whistle. Woof! - About Dogs and Trains" by Naivní divadlo Liberec
5) Report & Presentations "Recent activities and topics" by CCCIJ Members
6) Current situation in Czech

Deadline: Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Christmas Special Program: Czech puppet show

About the Lamb that Fell from the Sky
The simple plot is inspired by motives from a picture book by German illustrator Fred Rodrian, and tells a story of a Fleecy Cloud Lamb who fell from the sky. A little girl takes him in and wants to help him up to the sky. They walk along to various funfair attractions hoping to help the Lamb back to his fleece cloud friends. Unfortunately, the circus cannon shot and the puppet pyramid failed, and funfair balloons didn´t help either...
The story with as little text and as many imaginative impressions that it might be enjoyed by children from the age of 2.
Vojta Šálek´s prize at the Festival Dítě v Dlouhé 2014.

Choo. Choo. Whistle. Woof! - About Dogs and Trains
Once upon a time, there was a boy dog. And once upon a time, there was a girl dog.
He has been guarding his garden all days, and she has been running behind his fence until her owner whistles at her.
And as it happens, in lives not only of dogs, the two has become fancy of each other, despite high planks of the fence that kept them apart. But she didn't want to go into an unknown garden and he couldn't leave his backyard.
How to make her come in? What if ... Yes! This will definitely work! He will show her his beloved toy: a tiny circuit of an old garden railing peeping through the clumps of growing grass. And not only that! In his kennel, looking like a small railway yard, smoke is rising from the chimney of an old steam locomotive. The girl dog jumps over the fence and drives around the garden with the boy dog. Now she is his. And he is hers. But ... but what’s that? Why does her owner whistle at her again? Are we somewhere at the railway station? Well, actually, we are ... But why is he putting her into a car? And where is he going with her? Oh no! Not now! This can't be happening now!
Naivní divadlo Liberec
The Naive Theatre Liberec was established in 1949, and it was one of the first professional puppet theatres in former Czechoslovakia. Even though its production has naturally taken various directions, it has, for the last sixty years remained in the minds of the audience as well as professionals as the Czech puppet theatre of excellent quality.
Now, the Naive Theatre performs more than 300 performances per year for approximately 50,000 spectators in the Czech Republic and abroad.
>Read more
【CCCIJ Members only】
Call for news/presentations
In the session of "Report & Presentations "Recent activities and topics" from CCCIJ Members", we welcome the short presentation from our members. If you would like to share your "announcement" or "events and experiences" with other members, please do not hesitate to contact us. The presentation time provided per person is approx. 5 to 10 minutes. Any topic is welcome. The format of the presentation is also up to you, such as videos, slides, photos, or talks on the spot, but registration is required in advance. We will contact the presenters individually in advance regarding the content of the presentation and the format of the presentation.
You can watch the last edition of "CONNECT 2020" and "CONNECT 2021 Summer" to see how the presentation sessions were like.
If you would like us to share your news, please feel free to send us your materials at, we will present them on behalf of you.
In any case, registration is required in advance. We will contact the presenters individually regarding the content and format of the presentation.
This time, we can provide a slot for the presentation with CCCIJ members only. If you wish to be a presenter, why don’t you join us and be a member?
CCCIJ membership
出典 Source:
Naivní divadlo Liberec
お問い合わせ :
Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (CCCIJ)
News: November 12, 2021
(Dec. 8, 2021)
在日チェコ商工会議所オンラインイベント「CONNECT 2021 WINTER」開催 / CCCIJ online event "CONNECT 2021 WINTER"
English follows Japanese
在日チェコ商工会議所(CCCIJ)は、2021年12月8日(水)にオンラインイベント「CONNECT 2021 WINTER」を開催いたします。
在日チェコ商工会議所オンラインイベント "CONNECT 2021 WINTER"
日付: 2021年12月8日(水)
時間: 18:00-19:30
会場: オンライン (お申込みいただいた方にURLをメールでお送りします)
参加費: 無料 (会員・非会員問わず、どなたでもご参加いただけます)
プログラム *変更される場合もあります
1) 開会のご挨拶
2) 在日チェコ商工会議所会頭よりご挨拶
3) 駐日チェコ共和国大使館からのメッセージ
4) クリスマス特別プログラム チェコ人形劇 「空からきたひつじ」、「犬と機関車」(リベレツ市ナイヴニ人形劇場団)
5) 会員様からの最近のニュース、活動状況についての発表
6) 最近のチェコの状況について
締切: 2021年11月30日(火)
クリスマス特別プログラム チェコ人形劇
ある小さな女の子が空から落ちてきたひつじをふわふわの雲のお友達のところに戻そうと、さまざまな遊園地のアトラクションを利用します。 ところが、サーカスの大砲も人形のピラミッドも風船も役に立ちませんでした。さてさて、ひつじは空に帰ることができるのでしょうか。
「CONNECT 2020」
「CONNECT 2021 Summer」
CCCIJ is pleased to announce that we will hold an online event "CONNECT 2021 WINTER" on 8th December 2021.
Through this event, we would like to spend a meaningful time sharing the efforts of Czech companies in Japan, the activities of our members, and the latest information on the Czech Republic.
In addition, as a Christmas special program, we will share the opportunity to watch the world-famous Czech puppet show online. The puppet show will be performed by Naivní divadlo Liberec based in Liberec, the northern part of the Czech Republic, and the playlist will be: "About the Lamb that Fell from the Sky" and "Choo. Choo. Whistle. Woof! - About Dogs and Trains". We will also welcome the representative of the Naivní divadlo Liberec and ask them to give a greeting in real-time.
We hope you will enjoy the program.
CCCIJ online event "CONNECT 2021 WINTER"
Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Time: 18:00-19:30 (Japan time) / 10:00-11:30(Czech time)
Venue: Online (URL will be sent to those who signed up)
Fee : Free (both our members and non-members are welcome)
Language: Japanese (partly English)
Program *subject to change
1) Opening
2) Greeting by CCCIJ Chairman
3) Greeting by Czech Embassy in Tokyo
4) Christmas Special Program: Czech puppet show "About the Lamb that Fell from the Sky", "Choo. Choo. Whistle. Woof! - About Dogs and Trains" by Naivní divadlo Liberec
5) Report & Presentations "Recent activities and topics" by CCCIJ Members
6) Current situation in Czech
Deadline: Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Christmas Special Program: Czech puppet show
About the Lamb that Fell from the Sky
The simple plot is inspired by motives from a picture book by German illustrator Fred Rodrian, and tells a story of a Fleecy Cloud Lamb who fell from the sky. A little girl takes him in and wants to help him up to the sky. They walk along to various funfair attractions hoping to help the Lamb back to his fleece cloud friends. Unfortunately, the circus cannon shot and the puppet pyramid failed, and funfair balloons didn´t help either...
The story with as little text and as many imaginative impressions that it might be enjoyed by children from the age of 2.
Vojta Šálek´s prize at the Festival Dítě v Dlouhé 2014.
Choo. Choo. Whistle. Woof! - About Dogs and Trains
Once upon a time, there was a boy dog. And once upon a time, there was a girl dog.
He has been guarding his garden all days, and she has been running behind his fence until her owner whistles at her.
And as it happens, in lives not only of dogs, the two has become fancy of each other, despite high planks of the fence that kept them apart. But she didn't want to go into an unknown garden and he couldn't leave his backyard.
How to make her come in? What if ... Yes! This will definitely work! He will show her his beloved toy: a tiny circuit of an old garden railing peeping through the clumps of growing grass. And not only that! In his kennel, looking like a small railway yard, smoke is rising from the chimney of an old steam locomotive. The girl dog jumps over the fence and drives around the garden with the boy dog. Now she is his. And he is hers. But ... but what’s that? Why does her owner whistle at her again? Are we somewhere at the railway station? Well, actually, we are ... But why is he putting her into a car? And where is he going with her? Oh no! Not now! This can't be happening now!
Naivní divadlo Liberec
The Naive Theatre Liberec was established in 1949, and it was one of the first professional puppet theatres in former Czechoslovakia. Even though its production has naturally taken various directions, it has, for the last sixty years remained in the minds of the audience as well as professionals as the Czech puppet theatre of excellent quality.
Now, the Naive Theatre performs more than 300 performances per year for approximately 50,000 spectators in the Czech Republic and abroad.
>Read more
【CCCIJ Members only】
Call for news/presentations
In the session of "Report & Presentations "Recent activities and topics" from CCCIJ Members", we welcome the short presentation from our members. If you would like to share your "announcement" or "events and experiences" with other members, please do not hesitate to contact us. The presentation time provided per person is approx. 5 to 10 minutes. Any topic is welcome. The format of the presentation is also up to you, such as videos, slides, photos, or talks on the spot, but registration is required in advance. We will contact the presenters individually in advance regarding the content of the presentation and the format of the presentation.
You can watch the last edition of "CONNECT 2020" and "CONNECT 2021 Summer" to see how the presentation sessions were like.
If you would like us to share your news, please feel free to send us your materials at, we will present them on behalf of you.
In any case, registration is required in advance. We will contact the presenters individually regarding the content and format of the presentation.
This time, we can provide a slot for the presentation with CCCIJ members only. If you wish to be a presenter, why don’t you join us and be a member?
CCCIJ membership
出典 Source:
Naivní divadlo Liberec
お問い合わせ :
Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (CCCIJ)