News: February 4, 2022
CCCIJ continues offering PROPEA services in 2022

CCCIJ has been supporting Czech economic activities abroad with the support of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tokyo and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Czech Republic - a project called PROPEA since October 2019.
On February 3, 2022, an agreement was renewed between the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tokyo and CCCIJ at the Czech Embassy in Tokyo. The signing ceremony was attended by embassy staff led by the Czech Ambassador to Japan, Mr. Martin Tomčo and CCCIJ board members - Mr. Roman Watanabe (Chairman), Mr. Kaz Nomoto (Vice Chairman), Mr. Atsushi Sasaki (Executive Director) and Mr. Hirofumi Handa (Executive Director).
国外においてビジネス活動を行うチェコ企業を支援するプロジェクト PROPEA。2019年にスタートしたこのプロジェクトも今年で3年目を迎えます。チェコ共和国大使館と在日チェコ商工会議所(CCCIJ)は本プロジェクト開始以来契約を結んでおり、2022年度も引き続き連携してサービスを提供いたします。

From left: Mr. Roman Watanabe (Chairman - CCCIJ), H.E. Mr. Martin Tomčo (Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic to Japan)

From left: Mr. Hirofumi Handa (Executive Director - CCCIJ), Mr. Kaz Nomoto (Vice Chairman - CCCIJ), Mr. Roman Watanabe (Chairman - CCCIJ), H.E. Mr. Martin Tomčo (Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic to Japan), Mr. Atsushi Sasaki (Executive Director - CCCIJ), Mr. Ondřej Svoboda (Economic Diplomat - Czech Embassy)
You can find more about the PROPEA project:
PROPEA services
Report 2020
Report 2021 (preparing)
If you are interested in the PROPEA services or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via the contact form:
Contact us
We are looking forward to hearing your requests!
Related link:
Zahájení projektu na podporu ekonomických aktivit v zahraničí (PROPEA) pro rok 2022 v Japonsku
02.02.2022 Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tokyo

News: February 4, 2022
CCCIJ continues offering PROPEA services in 2022
CCCIJ has been supporting Czech economic activities abroad with the support of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tokyo and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Czech Republic - a project called PROPEA since October 2019.
On February 3, 2022, an agreement was renewed between the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tokyo and CCCIJ at the Czech Embassy in Tokyo. The signing ceremony was attended by embassy staff led by the Czech Ambassador to Japan, Mr. Martin Tomčo and CCCIJ board members - Mr. Roman Watanabe (Chairman), Mr. Kaz Nomoto (Vice Chairman), Mr. Atsushi Sasaki (Executive Director) and Mr. Hirofumi Handa (Executive Director).
国外においてビジネス活動を行うチェコ企業を支援するプロジェクト PROPEA。2019年にスタートしたこのプロジェクトも今年で3年目を迎えます。チェコ共和国大使館と在日チェコ商工会議所(CCCIJ)は本プロジェクト開始以来契約を結んでおり、2022年度も引き続き連携してサービスを提供いたします。
From left: Mr. Roman Watanabe (Chairman - CCCIJ), H.E. Mr. Martin Tomčo (Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic to Japan)
From left: Mr. Hirofumi Handa (Executive Director - CCCIJ), Mr. Kaz Nomoto (Vice Chairman - CCCIJ), Mr. Roman Watanabe (Chairman - CCCIJ), H.E. Mr. Martin Tomčo (Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic to Japan), Mr. Atsushi Sasaki (Executive Director - CCCIJ), Mr. Ondřej Svoboda (Economic Diplomat - Czech Embassy)
You can find more about the PROPEA project:
PROPEA services
Report 2020
Report 2021 (preparing)
If you are interested in the PROPEA services or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via the contact form:
Contact us
We are looking forward to hearing your requests!
Related link:
Zahájení projektu na podporu ekonomických aktivit v zahraničí (PROPEA) pro rok 2022 v Japonsku
02.02.2022 Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tokyo