News: June 08, 2024
Report: FEC - Czech Business Forum 2024 with representatives of Japanese companies
開催報告:民間外交推進協会(FEC)主催 日本企業代表者向けチェコビジネスフォーラム2024

On May 23, 2024, a business forum was held at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tokyo in cooperation with the Japanese International Friendship Exchange Council (FEC) and the broad participation of senior Japanese business representatives.
The forum started with the opening speech by President of the FEC, Mr. Ken Matsuzawa and by the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Japan, Mr. Martin KLUČAR. This was followed by a presentation by PR&Marketing Manager of the CzechTourism Japan Ms. Satoko Aso. Following presentation by Mr. Roman Watanabe, CCCIJ Chairman presented Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (CCCIJ) and its members.
The second part of the program introduced the major Japanese companies present, which represented the service sectors, healthcare, construction, chemical industry and media, and they showed interest in establishing business relations with the Czech Republic, followed by networking.


13:40 開場/Doors Open
14:00-14:05 開会挨拶/Opening remarks 松澤 建 民間外交推進協会(FEC) 理事長、全国警察官友の会 会長
Mr. Ken Matsuzawa, President of FEC, Association of Friends of National Police Officers
14:05-14:15 大使ご挨拶/Ambassador's Greetings
マルチン・クルチャル 駐日チェコ共和国特命全権大使
H.E. Mr. Martin Klučar,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the the Czech Republic to Japan
14:15-14:40 プレゼンテーション/Presentation
麻生 理子 チェコ政府観光局 PR &マーケティングマネージャー
Ms. Satoko Aso, PR&Marketing manager of CzechTourism Japan
14:40-14:55 「在日チェコ商工会議所の紹介と活動」
渡邊 ロマン 在日チェコ商工会議所 会頭
Mr. Roman Watanabe, Chairman, Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan
14:55-15:10 質疑応答/Q&A
15:10-15:30 写真撮影・名刺交換/Commemorative Photograph Taking and Business Card Exchange
15:30 閉会/Closing
ウエブギャラリー Zonerama
民間外交推進協会(FEC)主催 日本企業代表者向けチェコビジネスフォーラム2024
News: June 08, 2024
Report: FEC - Czech Business Forum 2024 with representatives of Japanese companies
開催報告:民間外交推進協会(FEC)主催 日本企業代表者向けチェコビジネスフォーラム2024
On May 23, 2024, a business forum was held at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tokyo in cooperation with the Japanese International Friendship Exchange Council (FEC) and the broad participation of senior Japanese business representatives.
The forum started with the opening speech by President of the FEC, Mr. Ken Matsuzawa and by the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Japan, Mr. Martin KLUČAR. This was followed by a presentation by PR&Marketing Manager of the CzechTourism Japan Ms. Satoko Aso. Following presentation by Mr. Roman Watanabe, CCCIJ Chairman presented Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (CCCIJ) and its members.
The second part of the program introduced the major Japanese companies present, which represented the service sectors, healthcare, construction, chemical industry and media, and they showed interest in establishing business relations with the Czech Republic, followed by networking.
13:40 開場/Doors Open
14:00-14:05 開会挨拶/Opening remarks 松澤 建 民間外交推進協会(FEC) 理事長、全国警察官友の会 会長
Mr. Ken Matsuzawa, President of FEC, Association of Friends of National Police Officers
14:05-14:15 大使ご挨拶/Ambassador's Greetings
マルチン・クルチャル 駐日チェコ共和国特命全権大使
H.E. Mr. Martin Klučar,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the the Czech Republic to Japan
14:15-14:40 プレゼンテーション/Presentation
麻生 理子 チェコ政府観光局 PR &マーケティングマネージャー
Ms. Satoko Aso, PR&Marketing manager of CzechTourism Japan
14:40-14:55 「在日チェコ商工会議所の紹介と活動」
渡邊 ロマン 在日チェコ商工会議所 会頭
Mr. Roman Watanabe, Chairman, Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan
14:55-15:10 質疑応答/Q&A
15:10-15:30 写真撮影・名刺交換/Commemorative Photograph Taking and Business Card Exchange
15:30 閉会/Closing
民間外交推進協会(FEC)主催 日本企業代表者向けチェコビジネスフォーラム2024