News: February 26th, 2018
Czech Space Seminar 2018
“Czech space governance, interest in cooperation with Japan and Czech successes in the European Space Agency and beyond”

On the occasion of the Czech delegation to ISEF-2 in Tokyo, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Japan, Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic chairing the Space Activities Coordination Council of the Czech Republic, EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation and Czech Space Alliance would like to extend to you their warm invitation to attend the Czech space seminar, followed by a reception with tasting of traditional Czech cuisine and Pilsner Urquell beer.
Thursday, 1st March, 2018
18:00-20:00 (Doors open at 17:30)
Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tokyo
2-16-14, Hiroo, Shibuya-ku, 150-0012 Tokyo
18:00-19:00 Seminar
● Introduction: H. E. Tomas DUB, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Japan, and the head of Czech delegation to ISEF-2
● Welcome remarks: Mr. Silviu JORA, General Manager (EU side) of the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation, Representative of DG GROW in Japan
● Review of the QZSS status and cooperation with the Czech Republic:
Mr. Satoshi KOGURE, Director, National Space Policy Secretariat, Cabinet Office, QZSS Strategy Office
● Czech space governance and its international relationships with ESA, EU and other international and national space entities: Dr. Vaclav KOBERA, Director of the Intelligent Transport Systems, Space Activities and Research, Development and Innovation, Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic
● Industry cooperation in space technology: Mr. Yoshiyuki MURAI, Senior Technical Marketing Specialist, Aerospace Department, KANEMATSU Corporation
● Overview of the Czech space industry and its international expansion: Mr. Petr BARES, President of the Czech Space Alliance and former staff of the European Space Agency
19:00-20:00 Networking Reception
All lectures will be delivered in English.
Please kindly confirm your attendance to:

News: February 26th, 2018
Czech Space Seminar 2018
“Czech space governance, interest in cooperation with Japan and Czech successes in the European Space Agency and beyond”
On the occasion of the Czech delegation to ISEF-2 in Tokyo, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Japan, Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic chairing the Space Activities Coordination Council of the Czech Republic, EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation and Czech Space Alliance would like to extend to you their warm invitation to attend the Czech space seminar, followed by a reception with tasting of traditional Czech cuisine and Pilsner Urquell beer.

Thursday, 1st March, 2018
18:00-20:00 (Doors open at 17:30)
Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tokyo
2-16-14, Hiroo, Shibuya-ku, 150-0012 Tokyo
18:00-19:00 Seminar
● Introduction: H. E. Tomas DUB, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Japan, and the head of Czech delegation to ISEF-2
● Welcome remarks: Mr. Silviu JORA, General Manager (EU side) of the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation, Representative of DG GROW in Japan
● Review of the QZSS status and cooperation with the Czech Republic:
Mr. Satoshi KOGURE, Director, National Space Policy Secretariat, Cabinet Office, QZSS Strategy Office
● Czech space governance and its international relationships with ESA, EU and other international and national space entities: Dr. Vaclav KOBERA, Director of the Intelligent Transport Systems, Space Activities and Research, Development and Innovation, Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic
● Industry cooperation in space technology: Mr. Yoshiyuki MURAI, Senior Technical Marketing Specialist, Aerospace Department, KANEMATSU Corporation
● Overview of the Czech space industry and its international expansion: Mr. Petr BARES, President of the Czech Space Alliance and former staff of the European Space Agency
19:00-20:00 Networking Reception
All lectures will be delivered in English.
Please kindly confirm your attendance to: