News: March 9th, 2018
Invitation for Annual General Meeting CCCIJ

The 4th Annual General Meeting & Reception Party of the Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (CCCIJ).
The AGM is held once a year and it is the most important event for our Chamber. This is a great opportunity for you to learn more about us, our activities and also to meet our Members. The AGM is open to Non-Members who can participate as Observers. You are welcome to bring your business partners and friends too. After the AGM please join us at the Reception.
Roman Watanabe, Chairman
4th Annual General Meeting of CCCIJ & Reception Party
Date & Time: March 15, 2018 (Thu)
AGM 17:30 - 18:30 (Door open 17:00)
Reception Party 18:30 - 20:30
Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tokyo
(Address: 2-16-14, Hiroo, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)
Participation Charge:
Annual General Meeting (AGM) is free-of-charge for CCCIJ Members and Non-Members as well.
Reception Fee (paid at the entrance):
2.000 yen CCCIJ Members
3.000 yen Non-Members
Please kindly register from the below Online Form before 12:00 on Monday, March 12, 2018.

早速ですが、第4回会員総会を下記の日程にて開催する運びとなりましたので、皆様にご案内をさせていただきます。年度末のお忙しい時期とは存じますが、この機会をご活用いただき、当会議所の活動とチェコへのご理解を深めていただき 、交流の機会をお持ちいただけますと幸いです。皆様のご参加を心よりお待ち申し上げます。
会頭 渡邊ロマン
在日チェコ商工会議所、第4回会員総会 & 懇親会
会員総会 17:30〜18:30(受付17:00〜)
懇親会 18:30~20:30
2.000円 CCCIJ会員:
3.000円 非会員

17:00 Door open 17:30 Start of AGM
- Greetings
- Election of Members of the Board
- Annual Report by the Chairman
- Treasurer's Report on the Statement of Accounts for 2017
- Auditor's Report 2017
- Presentation of Plan & Budget 2018
- Report on Election of Members of the Board
- Q&A
18:30 – 20:30 Light meal at Reception 21:00 Door close |
17:00 開場 17:30 会員総会開会
- ご挨拶
- 役員選挙
- 会頭より年間事業報告
- 財務担当理事より2017年の財務状況報告
- 2017年度監査報告
- 2018年度の予定&予算案
- 役員選挙結果発表
- Q&A
18:30 – 20:30 懇親会 21:00 閉場 |
News: March 9th, 2018
Invitation for Annual General Meeting CCCIJ
The 4th Annual General Meeting & Reception Party of the Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (CCCIJ).
The AGM is held once a year and it is the most important event for our Chamber. This is a great opportunity for you to learn more about us, our activities and also to meet our Members. The AGM is open to Non-Members who can participate as Observers. You are welcome to bring your business partners and friends too. After the AGM please join us at the Reception.
Roman Watanabe, Chairman
4th Annual General Meeting of CCCIJ & Reception Party
Date & Time: March 15, 2018 (Thu)
AGM 17:30 - 18:30 (Door open 17:00)
Reception Party 18:30 - 20:30
Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tokyo
(Address: 2-16-14, Hiroo, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)
Participation Charge:
Annual General Meeting (AGM) is free-of-charge for CCCIJ Members and Non-Members as well.
Reception Fee (paid at the entrance):
2.000 yen CCCIJ Members
3.000 yen Non-Members
Please kindly register from the below Online Form before 12:00 on Monday, March 12, 2018.
早速ですが、第4回会員総会を下記の日程にて開催する運びとなりましたので、皆様にご案内をさせていただきます。年度末のお忙しい時期とは存じますが、この機会をご活用いただき、当会議所の活動とチェコへのご理解を深めていただき 、交流の機会をお持ちいただけますと幸いです。皆様のご参加を心よりお待ち申し上げます。
会頭 渡邊ロマン
在日チェコ商工会議所、第4回会員総会 & 懇親会
会員総会 17:30〜18:30(受付17:00〜)
懇親会 18:30~20:30
2.000円 CCCIJ会員:
3.000円 非会員
17:00 Door open
17:30 Start of AGM
21:00 Door close
17:00 開場
17:30 会員総会開会
21:00 閉場